Get Every Single Solutions.

Providing Tailored Support and Settings

for people with learning disability, autism and complex needs including Prader Willi Syndrome

Providing Tailored Support and Settings
About Us

Eden Care

We provide supported living accommodation and support for adults aged 18+. Our supported living services provide innovative and person-centred support enabling people with autism, learning disabilities, mental health illnesses and challenging behaviours to live as independently as possible within the home and in the local community.

The support provided is person-centred and specifically tailored to meet every unique need, underpinned by our philosophy that every individual has the right to live the life they choose for themselves.

Our enthusiastic and highly trained staff will ensure right from the beginning that you will know what we will do to support you. In order to achieve the best possible outcomes, we also work in close partnership with health and social care professionals, housing, education and vocational training providers and employers.


We are committed to excellence in everything we do. The success of our organisation and, crucially, the successes and outcomes of the people who use our services, depends on our ability to deliver consistently excellent services that exceed expectations.
We are aspirational – for our customers, staff and organisation. We aim high, seek out opportunities and do not shy away from the challenges we face. We believe in identifying, nurturing and developing potential and creating a culture of recognition and celebration across the organisation.
We know our organisation is stronger when we work in partnership with stakeholders, commissioners and crucially, customers. Partnership between staff and people who use our services informs and influences everything we do. Through working together at every level, customers and staff will together design and deliver flexible, personalised and better services.
We will be an organisation with a strong social purpose. We will be trusted by our commissioners and funders to deliver the services we say we will. We will behave with integrity and transparency. We will be trusted by our customers to deliver on our promises and by their loved ones to deliver safe and consistently high-quality services.


Our Mission and Values

Working with people to make choices, achieve goals and take control of their lives through high quality care, support and housing.


Developing daily living skills

At Eden Care we support all aspects of daily life to develop the skills required to live more independently. This includes:

  • Personal care
  • Healthy eating
  • Taking medication
  • Maintaining the home
  • Budgeting
  • Support with benefits
  • Employment and further education
  • Participating in community-based activities

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Office Address

123/A, Miranda City Likaoli Prikano, Dope

Phone Number

+0989 7876 9865 9

+(090) 8765 86543 85

Email Address